Your Entire Financial Life. Handled.

Make one phone call and it’s handled. You don’t need to fill out any paperwork, we’ll do it for you. You don’t need to create any accounts, we’ll do it for you. Sign on the dotted line and it’s done. That’s the level of service we provide.

Our clients are shocked after they see that we really do handle everything. We don’t just advise you, like other “financial managers,” we actually do the work, so you can sleep soundly at night knowing that everything is being done to optimize your finances so you have more time to live your life.

We deliver freedom, balance and peace of mind for our clients.

Who We Work With
  • Business Owners
  • Doctors & Lawyers
  • High Income Professionals
  • Generational Wealth
  • Athletes & Entertainers
  • Finance & Tech Workers
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Comprehensive Financial Management

  • Investment Accounts
  • Property & Real-Estate
  • Annuities/SPIA/DIA
  • Long Term Care
  • Business Exit Planning
  • Life Insurance
  • Tax Minimization
  • Health & Disability
  • Retirement Accounts
  • Banking
  • Social Security
  • Property & Casualty
  • Cash-Flow Management
  • Company Benefit Audit
  • Large-Ticket Purchases
  • Charitable / Family Giving
Ever Consider Your Own Family Office? Let Us Help!

A family office is a dedicated financial staff that takes care of everything for you. We provide this level of service to successful individuals who may not have the time or desire to set up a team of professionals. We play the CFO role for your family, identify inefficiencies and opportunities, all the things a CFO would do for you.

Typical Questions We Answer for Clients

When you have a financial question, simply pick up the phone and call. We’ll help you make the most of your money at every stage of life.

Request A Conversation
  • How should I pay for a vacation home?
  • How much insurance should I have?
  • How do I minimize my taxes?
  • What can I do to reduce my banking fees?
  • How does money increase my happiness and well-being?
  • How should I pay for a wedding or education?
  • What should I be doing around a death or divorce?
  • Should I contribute to a charity rather than pay the IRS?

We Go Beyond the Basics to Grow Your Assets

Maximizing your assets can sometimes require somewhat esoteric and complicated strategies.  We understand these strategies and help navigate these opportunities for our clients.  When you work with us, you get access to strategies used by seasoned investors so you can see your portfolio grow day in and day out.  Sure, you can put your monies in an Index or ETF fund for an extremely low fee.  But do you know how to use other vehicles like your own insurance company or real estate to get tax credits?  We go beyond the basics to build wealth.  Here are a few examples of more sophisticated strategies we typically help our high net worth clients manage:

Become Your Own Bank to Avoid Interest and Fees

Use your own assets to cut out the banking system. This means you pay much lower interest rates and less fees. Knowing how and when to use your own assets to finance large purchases in your life is one of the best ways to make your money work for you. When you have a large purchase coming up, such as a home, vacation home, or toy, we help you decide how to make this happen. Family offices remove an enormous piece of the banking system, in order to maximize returns. We help our clients do this.

Conservational Easements Get Huge Tax Credits

Conservational easements have been in vogue for the past few years. Qualified investors can buy undeveloped land and get plans made to develop that land. However, the government wants to stop development in certain areas of the country, and they have a budget to slow down this development. Imagine getting a 5 million dollar tax deduction that cost you just 1.5 million dollars, and you get to protect the environment from actually being developed.

Opportunity Zones

Opportunity Zones let investors reduce and postpone taxes on profits from stocks, businesses and investment partnerships, as long as the money is reinvested in one of the 8,700 economically distressed communities across America. Investors can take long term capital gains from other assets and park them in these areas to defer paying tax. Investors can also avoid tax on future profits from those investments, on which they must make "substantial improvements."

Business Exit Planning

Business exit planning is the creation and execution of an intelligent strategy that allows owners to exit their business, on their terms, for the amount of money they desire. We unlock your company’s potential and elevate your understanding of the numerous ways that businesses transition. Kilter Group strives to produce solutions that minimize taxes and make the process as smooth as possible, every step of the way. This comprehensive process involves the efforts of several disciplines as we focus on the goals and lifestyle ambitions of the business owner.

Captive Insurance Reduces Risk and Lowers Taxes

We help clients create captive insurance companies. We can help you protect against business risks that no one will insure against, and in many cases, reduce taxable income significantly. So you're simultaneously reducing your business risk while profiting when those perils do not pan out. When this happens you can take those profits in the form of a tax preferred dividend, reducing your taxable income. These are the types of strategies you get when you work with Kilter Group.

Financial Overhaul: Areas Of Opportunity

Building a Foundation for Growth

  • Protection
    • Learn policies to protect against liabilities
    • Protect against loss of income with disability insurance
    • Evaluate current policy inefficiencies
    • Create new or review existing will and trust documents
    • Verify adequate life insurance protection is in force
  • Assets
    • Evaluate asset base
    • Review retirement accounts from previous employers
    • Ensure that cash is not losing buying power over time
    • Plan for large expenditures (i.e. college education)
  • Cash Flow
    • Implement systems to direct both savings and spending
    • Learn best practices to manage family finances
    • Align spending with increasing your fulfillment
    • Gain freedom with structure
  • Liabilities
    • Be prudent and minimize tax obligations
    • Clean up credit reports
    • Resolve bad debt and use leverage with good debt
    • Discuss efficient ways of distributing assets in retirement

See All Your Accounts in One Platform

When you work with Kilter Group, we build an extensive dashboard that aggregates your accounts daily, so you can see your entire financial picture at a glance. We have more than 60,000 integrated institutions, and it’s the most robust asset management platform available. Period. 
Everything in your financial life gets organized into a single, consolidated place. It includes a secure vault to store and share documents. Look over all your transactions, spending, and projections.  The efficiency of how we operate on the back-end, ultimately maximizes your returns.
Your Wealth Management Team

Get Plugged Into a Powerful Network

Meet your new financial management team. We are a collective of distinguished, passionate, and principled financial strategists and client-obsessed operations professionals. Together, we mastermind and organize your entire financial life. We work with professionals spanning diverse industries, to ensure they reach their full financial potential through a bespoke approach to wealth optimization. And when you allow Kilter Group to manage your finances, you get plugged into a network of like-minded, growth-oriented people. We make introductions of all kinds, all the time. It’s just another reason to choose Kilter Group.

  • Dyer McCabe
    Founder & Principal
  • Andrea Farruggio
    Chief Compliance Officer
    Director of Operations
  • Jasmine Miller
    Director of Investment Operations & Strategy
  • Jessica McCabe
    Head of Strategic Growth
  • Natalia Maselli
    Executive Administrative Assistant
  • Bobby Stroud
    Client Service Executive
  • William Austin
    Client Service Executive
  • Lucy Curiel
    Client Service Executive
  • Stephanie Holston
    Client Service Executive
  • Jennifer Ziesk
    Client Service Executive
  • Tiffany Brewster
    Lead Insurance Specialist
  • Audrey & Perry
    Pawject Managers
Get Started With Kilter Group

The first step is to have a discussion to see if there is mutual alignment.

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